As a tutor and teacher, I have more than 7 years experience with undergrad, CÉGEP, and high school courses, including Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Pre-Calculus, Electrical Engineering, and many more! I am a PhD Candidate in Electrical Engineering, Control, at ETS (École de Technologie Supérieure), Montreal, holding a M.Sc. in the same field. I am proud to acknowledge that my students WITHOUT FAIL have ALWAYS been satisfied with my approach to teaching style and admired my sense of commitment.
●For More Information, Please Contact me at:
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(Please send emails DIRECTLY to these addresses so there is no delay in answering. Thank you!)
Limited time Special Offers:
One-To-One Tutoring from $34.5/hr (a 35% discount!)
Two Students from $23.50 (a 40% discount!)
Mini-Group Tutoring (3 or more students) at $15.50/hr (a 45% discount!)
McGill courses that I can help you with:
MATH 111: Mathematics for Education Students
MATH 123: Linear Algebra and Probability
MATH 133: Linear Algebra and Geometry
MATH 139 Calculus 1 with Pre-Calculus
MATH 140: Calculus 1
ECSE 200 Electric Circuits 1
ECSE 210 Electric Circuits
ECSE 221 Introduction to Computer Engineering
ECSE 303 Signals and Systems 1
ECSE 304 Signals and Systems 2
ECSE 306 Fundamentals of Signals and Systems
ECSE 330 Introduction to Electronics
ECSE 361 Power Engineering
Concordia courses that I can help you with:
MATH 200 Fundamental Concepts–Algebra
MATH 201 Elementary Functions
MATH 202 College Algebra
MATH 203 Differential & Integral Cal I
MATH 204 Vectors And Matrices
MATH 205 Differential & Integral Cal II
ELEC 361 Signals and Systems 2
ENGR 371 Probability and Statistics in Engr.
ELEC 372 Fundamentals of Control Systems
ENGR 391 Numerical Methods in Engineering